Institute of Language Studies and Applied Social Sciences

(The Charutar Vidya Mandal (CVM) University)



Duration of Course

Medium of Instruction

No. of Seats

  CVM University,
Vallabh Vidyanagar
Two Years English 70  
Course Structure

A new and Unique Master Programme (M.A) in Economics is introduced by the CharutarVidyaMandal University. Keeping in mind the changing economic environment of India and its growing integration with the global economy, this new MA programme was designed with a clear emphasis on emerging global issues like International Trade, Technological Invention, Economic Environment, concepts of Development and Growth, Socio-Economics Survey Methods, Computer Application in Economics, Microeconomic Analysis, Monetary Economics ,International Finance, which makes it unique and distinct from conventional MA programme in Economics offer elsewhere in India. The programme provides sound theoretical Background in the principles of economics and equips students with analytical tools and technique for understanding the evolution of the world economy. Apart from preparing students for advance research work, the programme also aims at training students as professional economist for the Government, Non-Government and corporate sector.

The M.A Economics is a full time progarmme of study spanning two Years. Each year is divided into two semesters.



  • The candidates should be eligible for admission as per CharutarVidyaMandal University criteria. Student who must have passed any Bachelor degree conducted by the UGC recognized University or an examination of any other University of statutory examining body recognized as equivalent there to in accordance.
Admission Procedure
  • Please fill ILSASS - Online Application Form
  • To avoid inconvenience, please bring all the documents.
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